Nebraska Public School Advantage News

Nebraska Public School Advantage News

By Tyler Dahlgren For one day, St. Paul's football field transformed into a grade-schooler's play day paradise as students and staff celebrated the school year under some highly-anticipated sun at the school's "Healthy Summer Days" program on Wednesday. The event originated 11 years ago under P.E. teacher Nancy Harrington, who retired last year, as a way to instill healthy habits in kids headed...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren Mileigh Krebs is sharp as a tack. Some fifth-graders at Hemingford Elementary School figured out long ago that, when there’s a question, Mileigh usually knows her way to the answer. So, during testing time, with their pencils hovering just above their worksheets, some of those fifth-graders would wait. They’d wait for Chad Bell, Mileigh’s para-educator, to finish relaying the...Read More
Their classmates filled the stands and lined each side of the track, holding signs high into the spring air and cheering as loudly as they could. On the Ashland-Greenwood track, the competitors wore brightly-colored shirts and waited for the sound of the starter gun with looks of determination. After crossing the finish line, and, in most cases, even before, those focused expressions gave way to...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren When Tiffany Tharp’s students graduate, she hopes they take with them fond memories of their experiences at Nebraska City High School. Last Wednesday, with an enthusiastic student body packed tight in the school’s auditorium, the Special Education/Life Skills teacher watched her students speak about the importance of autism awareness and became overwhelmed with gratitude. This...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren During her first year as a school counselor, Winside’s Andrea Hinrichs found herself fixating on a possible disconnect between parents of students in the small, northeast Nebraska district and the issues their children could very well deal with every day. Issues that, while sometimes uncomfortable to talk to about, endlessly flood daily newsfeeds. Issues like cyberbullying,...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren In the words of high school principal Brian Hoover, Nebraska City Public Schools is a district stuck in-between. The enrollment, at 1,400, is enough to require multiple buildings yet small enough to manage without some of the extensive resources necessary in the state’s largest school systems. Hoover loves the district and the community. He’s served as principal for 11 years in...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren It’s somebody’s birthday, and the door to an elementary classroom at Overton Public School swings open. Students grow wide-eyed in anticipation as Principal Brian Fleischman enters and locates the birthday boy or girl. This happens nearly every day, but, for the kids (and for the principal) the routine never gets old. Their eyes dart from the principal to their teacher before...Read More
The Grant Sometimes, tiptoeing around the obvious truth is hardly worth the trouble. So, when it comes to middle school keyboarding, Stanton Community Schools Technology Coordinator Rick Spotanski comes clean. “It’s relatively boring,” he admits. “You sit and you type.” His other courses, Digital Media and PC Maintenance and Repair, are anything but mundane. Keyboarding, however, for as important...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren One by one, York Elementary School students filed into their gymnasium and sat cross-legged on the court until there wasn’t an open spot to be found. They giggled and they whispered. There was an obvious attempt being made to maintain order. Obvious, and quite valiant for such a large congregation of grade-schoolers I might add. They looked for their principal, smiled and waved...Read More
South Central Unified School District's sparkling new career pathway facility grabs the attention of passersby on Highway 14. Especially at night, when LED lights illuminate the Fairfield structure's tall windows, casting a prominent light that can be seen from miles away. "We asked ourselves, 'How can we do a better job of making sure our students have all the opportunities that kids in urban...Read More
