Nebraska Public School Advantage News

Nebraska Public School Advantage News

By Tyler Dahlgren Like any kid who grew up in the 90s will tell you, there aren’t many ways to better spend a night than cruising along the sandy shores of Koopa Troopa Beach or ripping down the intergalactic highway better known as Rainbow Road. Huddled around a console (which, back in my gaming prime, was the Nintendo 64), powered by Mountain Dew and Cool Ranch Doritos, those late-night Mario...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren The Missouri River runs south along Omaha’s eastern edges, winding past some of the city's most recognizable landmarks. Mighty Mo’s waters run by Eppley Airfield and the Old Market. Right past the Henry Doorly Zoo and Bellevue’s Fontenelle Forest Nature Center before taking a quick turn east and wrapping sharply around a beautiful piece of land that has served as an educational...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren In every corner of North Platte's Lincoln County Fairgrounds, something special was happening at ESU 16's Partner Up Rodeo. Held on a humid Wednesday in mid-September, the event drew over 180 cowboys and cowgirls with special needs from the service unit's 16 school districts. More than 300 volunteers enjoyed the day with the students, including teachers and paraeducators,...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren One by one, teachers from the nine school districts within ESU 15’s coverage area came filing into McCook’s Evangelical Free Church on a Wednesday morning in mid-September. By 8:55, the line outside stretched the length of the parking lot. The scene was somewhat reminiscent of the droves of Husker fans waiting for Scott Frost’s signature on Fan Day, but this was just a PLC day...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren Chapter 1: Welcome to Hitchcock County Staring down consolidation is a spot no school really wants to find itself in. Death sentence or a lifeline? Each situation is different. If a school suddenly closes, the small town it serves as a cornerstone for becomes susceptible to vanishing with the building. On the other hand, sparse resources and dwindling funds don’t give schools...Read More
For more than 40 years, students in ESU 3 have been visiting Bellevue's Gifford Farm, an outdoor learning utopia nestled in the middle of a Missouri River oxbow! On Tuesday, September 25th, NPSA joined Ralstock's Mockingbird Elementary Kindergartners for a day on the farm. On average, nearly 30,000 visitors utilize this fantastic facility every year. Check back for a story later this week!Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren When Danni Schutz was six-years-old, her eyesight began to fade. Her family figured she was just getting older, and needed glasses, but the problems persisted. Countless visits to several different eye doctors over the next couple of years produced few answers, until a trip to Iowa changed everything. “In third-grade, I was sent to a specialist in Iowa City, and they figured out...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren Amber Biegler is beginning her second year as school psychologist at Westside Middle School, and her third overall in Omaha’s third-largest school district. Each year, her building welcomes students from the district’s 10 elementary schools, and each morning, Amber tries to give the kids in her building a positive start to the day. She checks in with intensive behavioral...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren The sun was sinking fast below the rolling hills west of a six-and-a half mile stretch of gravel road linking Logan View Public Schools to the village of Uehling. Runners navigated the dips, dives and steady inclines of County Road D, some travelling in packs and some keeping their own pace. Somewhere in the middle of the herd, there I was, trying my best to put one foot in...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren Want to get the creative juices of a class full of eighth-graders flowing? “Draw Mrs. Garrick with a beard!” That should just about do the trick. Emily Garrick’s second year of teaching art at Adams Middle School in North Platte is under way, and her five-minute “Daily Draws” to kick-start each class period (draw a loaf of bread at a disco was another hit) aren’t the only...Read More
