Nebraska Public School Advantage News

Nebraska Public School Advantage News

By Tyler Dahlgren 1: Nebraska’s Public Schools leave no child behind There’s a resounding commitment to accommodation in our state’s public schools. Each school seems to have adopted a motto declaring a commitment to educating and connecting with EVERY student that walks its hallways. There’s barriers, to be sure, but show me a challenge and I’ll show you a state filled with teachers and...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren NCSA Communications Specialist There stands six pillars of character. Trustworthiness. Respect. Responsibility. Fairness. Caring. Citizenship. Pillars that, if upheld, can take a person into life’s far corners of success. Desirable traits on which Character Counts!, a Comprehensive Student Development Workshop (SDW), was founded. Just past the outskirts of Lincoln along Highway...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren NCSA Communications Specialist National Signing Day is a nationwide frenzy, falling in early February each year and drawing the undivided attention of sports fans from coast to coast. It’s a well-deserved and memorable occasion for athletes, who pen their names on a dotted line, taking the first step towards the future. It’s evolved into a holiday of sorts, covered dutifully by...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren NCSA Communications Specialist Students like Brock Vetick don’t come along often, and it didn’t take Lyons-Decatur Northeast science teacher Paul Timm more than 10 minutes to sense his incredible potential. “I could instantly see that he was interested,” Timm said. “I could also see that he had the skill set that could be easily developed.” That was more than five years ago,...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren NCSA Communications Specialist The clock just ticked past 9:30 on Monday morning, and already Kevin Janssen is a busy man. About an hour ago, the morning bell rang through the halls of Cedar Bluffs and sent over 360 students scurrying to their desks. Five years ago, that number was just 168. The hallways were less vibrant, and the demands of the job likely less strenuous. But...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren NCSA Communications Specialist Nationally-renowned speaker Mike Smith, founder of popular non-profits The Bay and Skate for Change, roused a Norris gymnasium packed tight with 2,000 students from over 20 Nebraska schools last Monday. His message was inspiring, simple and direct. All at once. "None of you are average,” the Imperial, NE native said. “Every single kid in here has...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren NCSA Communications Specialist There’s hands-on learning, a tried and true method of discovery proven to turn theory into concept. And then there’s hands-in learning. As in hands-in Rudy, a nine-year-old cannulated steer that travels the state providing a once-in-a-lifetime educational opportunity. The first can be fun and, as the rapid spread of experiential learning spreads...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren NCSA Communications Specialist Over 230 students from more than 20 schools formed a massive rectangle, lining the four interior walls of the Nebraska Innovation Campus convention center in order from shortest to tallest. Waverly High School junior Tanner Wubbels, a 6-5 standout basketball player for the Vikings, stood near the southeast corner, a full head above most of the room...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren NCSA Communications Specialist Learning doesn’t begin, nor end, in the pages of a dusty textbook, as life reminds us all at times. Sometimes, however, the process does make a return to the classroom. Just ask a teacher. When the bell rings, as students sling their backpack full of scribbled notes, covered textbooks and worn-down No. 2 pencils over their shoulders and flood the...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren NCSA Communications Director York Dukes wear many hats. No two students are the same. The student body would stand no chance of fitting under one metaphoric umbrella, not that the administration would wish to try and make that happen. In York Public Schools, individuality is celebrated and specialized instruction is the cornerstone of education. Every Student, Every Day. That’s...Read More
