By Tyler Dahlgren Headlights illuminate Kearney’s Park Elementary on a Friday morning, about half an hour earlier than students typically start spilling into the school. The kids, each with a grown-up guest in tow, are here early and with smiles on their faces. The reason? Fresh, warm donuts are being served in the cafeteria. For an elementary student, and for anybody really, is there any better...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren DeMoine Adams has always known how to set the tone. Whether it be firing off the edge on a bull rush or standing on a stage delivering his message of hope and perseverance, the former Nebraska Cornhusker star and current TeamMates CEO has a natural knack for it. When planning the second ever Mental Health Awareness Week at Fairbury Public Schools, ESU 5 Director of Mental Health...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren The quaint blue house on the south side of Benkelman was built in 1981, and though it may not draw more than a second glance from passers-by, its story of-late is quite fascinating. Purchased by Dundy County Stratton Public Schools in July, its walls could tell quite the story. The ones still standing, that is. It’s a Tuesday morning in early October, and the school’s...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren Growing up, teacher in-service days meant one thing and one thing only: No alarm clock. Remember the adolescent joys of sleeping in on a well-deserved day off from school? The Full House reruns and the tones of The Price is Right host Bob Barker’s oddly comforting voice. How about the microwaved Pizza Rolls and free reign of the remote control? Couldn't beat that. Yes, those...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren It was the perfect day for a rodeo, with temperatures in the mid-70’s and the wind low, a date North Platte freshman Cash Johanson has had circled on his calendar for much of the year. At 15-years-old, Cash showed up to the Wild West Arena last Wednesday an old pro. The Partner-Up Rodeo, which matches student volunteer “partners” with students with special needs, is one of his...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren The Storm For a moment, it looked like a hurricane ripping through the Midwestern Plains. That’s the best superintendent Dr. Darron Arlt can explain the storm that literally blew the roof off Plainview Elementary late in the afternoon on July 10, setting off a five-week race against time before students were to return from summer break. “It looked like what I’ve seen on the...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren Park Elementary is located on the edge of Kearney’s Harmon Park, a sprawling oasis for summertime fun that is easily the biggest in the city. Perhaps some of its surrounding environment has rubbed off on the school, which celebrated the return of students with its annual Panther Family Swim Night. There’s no better way to start a school year than with a splash of fun and...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren Almost perfectly in sync, Darren Tobey and Dan Helberg sprinted across the low and high dives and sprung into a sun-soaked sky. For passers-by on nearby Airport Road, that exact moment had to be quite the site . Two suited school administrators soaring through the air, with only water there to break the fall. The rather graceful plunge was punctuated by a pair of cannonballs and...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren Class is back in session. In Gothenburg, that's a major cause for celebration. While schools everywhere welcomed students back from summer break with open arms this week, the district in Central Nebraska called on its community to commence another great year. It was “Back to School Night”, and judging by the school’s packed parking lots and car-lined streets, the place in town...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren In Nebraska’s ever-evolving quest for the best school safety practices, it has proven beneficial for districts to take a proactive rather than reactive approach. Why? Well, there’s the obvious answer of preventing things before they happen. Ultimately, that’s the goal, and it has been for decades. Ogallala Public Schools superintendent Gene Russel went even deeper, bridging the...Read More